What Should You Look for in a Rehabilitation Center for Your Teen

Choosing the right adolescent treatment center is a tough decision during an already difficult time. Rehabilitation centers vary widely in their treatment approaches and capabilities, so it’s not a simple matter of choosing the best one. You need to select the unique method that fits your teen’s individual situation and needs. At Stonewater Adolescent Recovery…

residential drug treatment

Why Attend Residential Drug Treatment?

Once you have come to terms with addiction and agreed to seek professional help, the next step is to find the appropriate residential treatment center. There are several factors to consider to ensure you receive the best treatment for your needs. One of the main decisions to make is whether to choose outpatient or inpatient…

choosing a medication-assisted treatment program

Heroin and the Opioid Epidemic

What’s the first step toward overcoming an addiction? Most addiction treatment facilities won’t allow clients to get admitted into their programs without first going through a drug detox center. It’s highly recommended that people with substance use disorders don’t attempt detoxification alone. Instead, they should go to drug detox centers. If possible, they should choose…

Top Benefits of Gender-Specific Addiction Treatment

The addiction recovery process is complex. It involves focusing on your mental and physical needs, creating a plan for recovery that’s focused on just your future. Addiction treatment programs take commitment. These are some of the reasons why gender-specific addiction treatment is so critical. It can help you to focus solely on your recovery. Virtues…

5 Benefits of Remote Addiction Rehab

The lockdowns and social distancing procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic have made it difficult for people to travel to healthcare facilities such as inpatient rehab centers to cope with their addictions. However, it increased the popularity of online rehab programs and telehealth services that have been proven to be equally effective in addiction treatment. If…